Main Characters

Carlos Saavedra
Dr. Carlos Saavedra is unimpressed with titles and prefers to be addressed simply as 'Carlos'. As he once told Rod Hastings, "Too many PhD’s running around here. You say, ‘Doctor’ and everyone says, ‘What?’."
Born without sight, he is one of the foremost experts in quantum mechanics. He attributes his success to what others consider a disability. When it comes to quantum mechanics, he believes the sighted are disabled, "I ... feel that the sighted are ill-equipped for certain research. That’s all.”
Though Saavedra acts as if Kistler is a bane to his existence, in reality, over the course of the project, they have become close friends.
Alatae Costa
As a professor of 20th Century history, Costa takes over the reigns of project manager for the next phase of Unreachable Star. Her understanding of history makes her best suited to interpret Cause & Effect and develop solutions to unforeseen problems.
She is intelligent, strong willed and an excellent leader. She is also romantically involved with Carlos Saavedra and often assist him when visual observation is necessary. Before they were lovers, they were good friends.
Bernard Kistler
“It’s pronounced ber´nerd.” Those are the first words Dr. Bernard Kistler says to everyone he meets. A child prodigy from Berlin, his intelligence often intimidates others.
Poor at social skills, he is viewed by his colleagues as an opinionated know-it-all. Unfortunately, he does. More accurately, this polymath would say, "I know what I know and I know what I do not know," but he knows a great deal.
Sheryl O'Toole said it best, "He’s just a very stoic, introverted, techie type of guy. What can I say? He’s German.”
Bongani Mokona
“Dr. Bongani Mokonais has both an MD and a DVM. He is proudest of his DVM, because it is harder to get into veterinary school than it is to get into medical school.
A member of Doctors Without Borders, he is viewed by all as ethical and amiable. His demeanor makes the perfect counterpoint for Natsumi Kamura, his colleague, friend and lover. Mokona sees the humanity in her that everyone else misses. When others interpret his treatment of her as admiration, it's really his ability to perceive her true self.
The two, working together, produce results greater than each could produce alone.
Natsumi Kamura
Dr. Kamura is a loner. there is an air of superiority about her. Part of the reason is that she takes her job of 'saving humanity' very seriously. An extreme introvert, she is a workaholic at the top of her game, that lives in her own universe. The only person she lets in is Bongani Mokona, her lover.
Mokona is the only person that can persuade her in an argument. He sees in her what no one else can - humanity.
Kamura and Mokona also have a professional relationship. They have collaborated numerous times on research and papers and have been jointly recognized for their discoveries.
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